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MI presento nasco a Genova classe 1968,sono molto legato a questa citta',scatto prevalentemente a pellicola,(Formato 135 e Medio Formato) Vivo  in questa stupenda citta',in cui i luoghi fisici si confondono con quelli invisibili e camminare lungo i moli e  vicoli non puoi non percepire  il suo odore e stupore!!!

Una citta' silenziosa.. di notte spariscono cielo monti e perfino il mare,rimane quella sottile linea luminosa arrampicata sul buio!!!

English version

I introduce myself I was born in Genoa in 1968, I am very attached to this city, I mainly shoot film, (Format 135 and Medium Format) I live in this beautiful city, where physical places are confused with invisible ones and walk along the piers and alleys you can not miss its smell and amazement !!! A silent city .. at night the sky, the mountains and even the sea disappear, that thin line of light climbing on the dark

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©Salvatore Da Cha'
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